The Sri Lankan Politics coming worst day by day especially after the CFA nations rushed towards a peaceful life, but it has changed like a climate LTTE as a rebel group they cannot hold these type of diplomatic move for long term, because they will loose their strength and ability. I am much worried about this horror situation; it is all depend on the political leaders and the international community. If our Hon. President wishes to short out this matter he can make it one over night. He can use his executive power but he doesn’t want……
From other hand Prabakaran wishes to short out this case he also can in over night with his power but he doesn’t………
This is not a childish talk. It is through experience with these matters I am writing here.
Only poor people going to struggle with the war and fighting not only directly but also indirectly
I am often asked what the origins of the War in
First, I must explain that this is not a war between the Tamils and the Sinhalese, contrary to what many believe. For example, there are many Tamil tea pickers living in central
The movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" could never have been made during the current level of fighting and killing in
The war started in 1983, when the widow of Solomon Bandaranaike was in power. Her husband, Solomon Bandaranaike, was assassinated in 1959, as almost every other Prime Minister since then has been, and he was succeeded by his widow, aptly named Mrs. Bandaranaike. Her policy was that
The Bandaranaike policy was to crack down on the Tamil "foreigners", even denying them the right to use the Tamil language, the right to vote, the right to a public education and so on. The rebellion started because of her toughened the policies against the Tamil minority, and escalated until she was finally voted out of office. By that time, the war was underway full blast.
The leader of the most effective group of Tamils was and still is Velupillai Prabhakaran. He is the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. He was trained by
When Rajiv Gandhi came to power in
However, Rajiv had a different agenda than that of Prabhakaran. Prabhakaran wanted to set up an independent Tamil state in
When it became apparent that Rajiv was shipping arms and ammunition to Prabhakaran, the Sri Lankan navy tried to blockade the narrow Palk strait which separates
In 1987, Sri Lankan President J. R. Jayewardene came up with a brilliant solution to this incredible problem (at least I thought it was brilliant, even though almost nobody in Sri Lanka thought it was.) Jayewardene had two enemies (not counting the JVP in the South who were eventually exterminated): Rajiv and Prabhakaran. Why not get them to fight against each other!
Therefore, Jayewardene made a deal with Rajiv. He would allow the Indian Army to come into
Unfortunately, this deal did not set well with the people of
This is where Sam Sloan came in.
On the fateful day, which was July 29, 1987, I was walking down the street in
A few hours later, we learned the reason. Rajiv Gandhi was coming to
How was this possible, when every man, woman and child that I knew of wanted to kill Rajiv Gandhi?
The answer was that the entire country was locked in their houses. Anybody who came out of their house was shot on the spot. One elderly man who woke up late and wandered out his front door was shot and killed in Katugastoda. Another man was killed in Kurunegela.
But I walked around in the streets freely because I was a white man. I must have walked 20 miles that day.
When Rajiv arrived at the airport in
Still, one brave soldier made a heroic effort to do so. As Rajiv walked up and down, approvingly inspecting the honor guard, one member of the honor guard, who had his rifle on this soldier, suddenly swung it over and hit Rajiv Gandhi with it.
The soldier was quickly subdued and taken to prison. Rajiv Gandhi sustained only minor injuries.
After that, Rajiv quickly signed the agreement to allow the so-called "Indian Peace Keeping Force" to enter
The Indian Peace Keeping Force never accomplished its objective, which was to kill Prabhakaran. The Indian Army chased Prabhakaran through the jungles of
Meanwhile, Rajiv Gandhi continued his policy of bullying his neighbors. He invaded the
Rajiv Gandhi was defeated in the Indian elections and voted out of office in 1989.
The next Indian government withdrew the Indian Peace Keeping Force from
However, once the opposition coalition had gained power, they started arguing among themselves. The government fell and new elections were called. Rajiv announced that he was running for election again. In his campaign, he criticized the new government from withdrawing from
By this time, I was no longer in
Just at the very moment that I was wondering if there was not somebody who could stop this madman, a brave woman named Dhanu stepped up to Rajiv Gandhi in the middle of an election crowd and blew Rajiv Gandhi to bits.
Evidence indicated that Dhanu did this substantially on her own. The previous day, she had entered a boutique in
The answer came the next day, May 21, 1991, when the dress she bought in that boutique was packed with explosives underneath it, which she detonated to blow up herself and Rajiv Gandhi.
This is a model example of LTTE and their attitude- I don’t know why the world still allow them to fight.
1 comment:
WOW,this article needs recognition man,post your web link on sri lankan forums,good luck
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