Al-hambra- one of the most popular muslim university in Spain
Month of April we had a lots of Program and project in my Office
I have stopped in some fantastic points during this month
Many people celebrate April fool day every year and make a fool to each other. But how many of us know the bitter facts hidden behind it.
It was around a thousand years ago when Muslims ruled Spain. And the Muslim power in Spain was so strong that it couldn't be destroyed. The Christians of the west wished to wipe out Islam from all parts of the world and they did succeed to quite an extent. But when they tried to eliminate Islam in Spain and conquer it, they failed. They tried several times but never succeeded. The unbelievers then sent their spies in Spain to study the Muslims there and find out what was the power they possessed and they found that their power was TAQWA (Strong Belief). The Muslims of Spain were not just Muslims but they were practicing Muslims. They not only read the Qur'an but also acted upon it.
When the Christians found the power of the Muslims they started thinking of strategies to break this power. So they started sending alcohol and cigarettes to Spain free of cost. This technique of the west worked out and it started weakening the faith of the Muslims in particular the young generation of Spain.
The result was that the Catholics of the west wiped out Islam and conquered the entire Spain bringing an end to the EIGHT HUNDRED LONG YEARS’ RULE OF THE MUSLIMS in Spain. The last fort of the Muslims to fall was Grenada (Gharnatah), which was on the 1st of April From that year onwards, every year they celebrate April fools day on the 1st of April, celebrating the day, they made a fool Muslims. They did not make a fool of the Muslim army at Grenada only, but of the whole Muslim Ummah. We, the Muslims were fooled by them, therefore they have the reason to celebrate April fool day, to keep up the spirit. Dear friends, when we join in this celebration, we do so out of
ignorance. If we had known about it, we would never have celebrated our own downfall. So now, that we are aware of it, and now let us promise that we shall never celebrate this day. We should learn our lesson from the people of Spain, and shall try to become practicing neither Muslims, never to let anybody weaken our faith NOR FOOL (OR MAKE A FOOL OF) US ANY MORE.
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