How can I describe that land, beaches, peoples, trees,and BIRDS of Bird Island. I don't have words for that. it is really interesting. I have spend 3days and 2 nights in bird Island between 18th of May till 20th Of May 2007. Bird Island is located in Indian Ocean, it is belongs to Seychelles Islands. me and my friend Poojitha jointly organize this trip ( poojitha made a good coverage about our visit on his blog you can see that also. but I want to raise few points regarding birds island
first point - The natural life is so peaceful and pleasant
Bird island is a model Example for that- average technology and facilities but it is welcomed by all the human beings, fresh air, fresh water, sounds free nature, no police, no boundaries it is really natural but we cannot find this natural life everywhere in the world.
second birds- who is the creator of those birds? the common Noody and lessa noody drink sea water they have a system in their body to separate the fresh water from salty water....... ohh who make it ?
the laying system and feeding system
long fly
who gave them this ability ?
let us search something from Quran
Do they not see the birds committed to fly in the atmosphere of the sky?
None holds them up in the air except God. This should be
(sufficient) proof for people who believe. (16:79)
Have they not seen the birds above them lined up in columns and spreading their wings? The Most Gracious is the One who holds them in the air. He is Seer of all things. (67:19)
Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies God, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. God is fully aware of everything they do. (24:41)
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